WE GOT YOU (2023)
Create an advertising campaign and strategy that addresses a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal and encourages social or environmental good to support a newly-found or existing business.
Logomark/type Distressing and imperfection emphasise the idea ‘it’s to not be okay’. Housed in a stamp-like structure to provide impact.
Typography styles
New Transport, digital adaption of the lettering designed for Kinneir and Calvert's 1965 UK road signage system.
Six-sheet poster Manipulating the visual language of the UK road signage system to encourage consumers to 'look for the signs'.
Further poster application Distributed
across public men's bathrooms in
stations, campuses, bars etc.
Drink coasters Distributed across bars, restaurants etc. where students are likely to group.
Social posts Alternative visual
approach to delivering messages.
Merchandise Logomark applied to tote bag (left), and stickers (right).