Honouring Müller-Brockmann (2023)
Compile and curate the content, design, and picture research for a series of spreads in type magazine, Baseline. Dedicated to the work of a chosen designer.
Introductory spread. Featuring a repurposing of dear friend Carlo Vivarelli's 'Für das Alter/Pour la Vieillesse' poster, 1949.
Introductory interview spread. Showcasing the work of Müller-Brockmann.
Interview continuation spread. Featuring a repurposing of Müller-Brockmann's 'das freundliche Handzeichen' poster for Swiss Automobile Club, 1955.
Interview continuation / closing spread Featuring a repurposing of Müller-Brockmann's 'der Film' type, 1960.
12x12 grid system Allowing for flexible curation of content with the intention of creating visual intrigue.
Eye Magazine (1995). Reputations: Josef Müller-Brockmann. Available from: https://www.eyemagazine.com/feature/article/reputations-josef-muller-brockmann
Design is History (N.D.). Josef Müller-Brockmann. Available from: http://www.designishistory.com/1940/joseph-mueller-brockmann
+ Text from a now deleted Shillington Education blog post.