Less is More
Produce a brand identity for a festival of minimalism.
Minimalism relies on order. The minimalist art movement revolved
around simple geometric shapes based on the square.
A design system appropriate for a minimalist context, with focus
on the values of minimalism. One that can be applied across all
mediums with ease.
Brand identity
Typeface design
Wayfinding. Using minimalist visual language to create easily
recognisable iconography.
Logomark. Geometry signifying a lesser matter being equal to a greater matter. Hence, less is more.
Brand house colours. Contemporary, contrasting tones that breathe life into the
minimalist world.
Typeface design. Mies Display, named in honour of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
Mies coined the phrase "less is more".
Print-digital advertisement. Lead poster detailing festival content, dates, and redirects consumers to the website.
Type styles. Geometric monospaced typefaces. Mies Display used for titles, and Tronica Mono for body copy.
Print-digital advertisement. Posters detailing featured artists of the festival, along with when and where to find them.
Web interface. A hub for easily navigating access to the festival, featured artist guests, and other information regarding the event.
Mark animation. Potential for web and social application.
Merchandise. Lanyards (left), t-shirt (upper right), wristband (lower right).
Brochure. Detailing the events of each day at the festival.
E-ticket. Digital ticket accessed via Apple Wallet, Google Wallet etc.